The Four Noble Truths | Letting Go of Suffering and Finding Liberation | Season 2, Episode 3
In this episode, we dive deep into one of the Buddha's most influential teachings that has resonated through the ages - The Four Noble Truths.
These four truths provide a framework for understanding the root of human suffering and the pathway to liberation.
These four truths provide a framework for understanding the root of human suffering and the pathway to liberation.
We begin by telling the iconic story of the Buddha's own journey - from a sheltered prince who knew none of the suffering in the world, to his confrontation with sickness, old age and death outside his palace walls. The trauma of these encounters motived Siddhartha Gautama to renounce his royal ties and seek understanding. After taking asceticism to its extremes then realizing enlightenment was not found there either, he meditated under the Bodhi tree and awakened.
The Buddha realized that rather than the extremes of indulgence or deprivation, the middle way would lead to the end of suffering. This wisdom was encapsulated into the Four Noble Truths.
The First Noble Truth declares that suffering exists and is part of our human experience due to impermanence and our fragile mortal nature. Our attempts to make things permanent actually causes more pain.
The Second Noble Truth dives deeper - revealing that the root of suffering is attachment. Clinging to thoughts, ideas, identities and beliefs is what torments us when loss and change occurs.
The Second Noble Truth dives deeper - revealing that the root of suffering is attachment. Clinging to thoughts, ideas, identities and beliefs is what torments us when loss and change occurs.
The Third Noble Truth offers hope - cessation of suffering IS possible by letting go of attachments. When we release our grip, we experience the blissful state of nirvana, which means “blowing out” like a candle.
The Fourth Noble Truth maps out the Eightfold Path, the Buddha’s recommended path to enlightenment. We also introduce an alternative framework called The Three Pillars of Liberation.
Drinking from the wisdom of millennia, this profound teaching offers to liberate us in the midst of daily troubles that disrupt our peace. The Four Noble Truths diagnose the core human quandary, and prescribe a way out of unnecessary misery and into joy.
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Head over to http://LiberationCoachingAcademy.com to check out more about Zen Stoicism and learn about our trainings.