Audience Q&A: Is Happiness Overrated?

Audience Q&A: Is Happiness Overrated?

In this episode, you will leave with an understanding of why the pursuit of happiness is a scam! You’ll walk away with a unique perspective on how to view happiness that most people miss.
  • We hear people say all the time, “I want to be happy,” or “do what makes you happy.”
  • This advice is hardly useful in any practical way because what we think makes us happy is actually an abstraction of actual happiness. Happiness is not a thing you can go and get, it is a state of being, yet most people associate the concept of happiness with an external result or outcome. 
  • There’s a lot of “I’ll be happy if/when” type of mentality out there.
  • You cannot pursue happiness because there is nothing to chase. It's not running from you.
  • Imagine a world where we didn’t believe the lie that happiness exists outside of us? What might be possible?
2021 Zen Stoic, Inc.